New to Breeze
Attending a yoga studio for the very first time can be incredibly daunting! With so many different classes and levels to choose from it's worth experimenting with different styles to find what suits you. At Breeze, we believe in yoga being accessible to all. Here's all you need to know...
If you're completely new to Yoga or Pilates, we hold monthly 4 week beginners courses - which is a great way to learn the fundamentals and build your confidence to join our regular classes. Visit our courses & workshops page to find out dates, details and more!
Brand New students can enjoy our Introductory offer of 20 consecutive days of Unlimited Classes for just £50! This gives you the opportunity to try many different types of classes and choose what suits you best.
Unsure what style to try?
Visit our class types page to learn what's behind the class names. There are a mix of dynamic practices, restorative classes, meditation and sound healing sessions, pilates (open or intermediate level) alongside classes specially for Seniors,Teen and Prenatal Yogis. For Teen yoga courses, visit our courses and workshops page.
What do I wear?
Please wear comfortable clothing when practising yoga, pilates, spin or barre. For classes in the Traditional studio, it’s easier to have a top that is not too loose, else it will be riding up in ‘downward dog’! For hot classes, wear something breathable and easily washable. However, do make sure you are covered appropriately, so you don’t make your fellow students uncomfortable. Traditionally, yoga and pilates are practiced bare foot, except for barre when grip socks are mandatory.
What do I bring?
The studio mats and props are now back! If you prefer to bring your own you still can, talk to the reception team if your mat is not a standard size.
A large towel is mandatory for Hot Yoga classes for hygiene and to prevent slipping. If you forget one, we sell towels at the reception desk. You may also consider investing in a grip towel mat cover, which is designed for hot yoga and easy to keep clean. If you tend to sweat a lot and outside the mat please help yourself to one of our thicker red mats hanging in the corridor outside the hot studio and ensure you bring an extra towel to dry up after yourself after class for the health and safety of fellow students.
It is mandatory to wear a pair of grip socks for safety and support for all Barre workouts. You can purchase grip socks at reception.
A bottle of water is essential for hot yoga classes. We recommend you drink before the class, this will prevent dehydration, small sips during the class and plenty after.
Our lockers require padlocks for operation. Please bring one from home otherwise they are available to loan/purchase at reception.
Studio Etiquette
We would be grateful if you could read and comply with our updated Breeze etiquette. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to speak to reception.
Aim to arrive early and check-in at reception at least 5 minutes before the start of the class or 10 minutes if it's your first visit to Breeze.
Please treat our staff with kindness and compassion; verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
You will be required to fill in a New Client Form if you are new or have not attended for a while.
Our staff will refuse entry to clients who arrive late; you may be offered an alternative class pending availability or assisted to re-schedule the booking for another day.
Aim to arrive at least 5 mins before the start of class, so that you can prepare and settle before the class starts. We know it is not always possible with the busy work life and London Transport, but it would help keep a calm environment.
We cannot allow late comers into our classes, as we consider warm up essential to protect you against injuries. Please check with our Reception before entering. When coming into class, please be mindful of others, enter quietly and settle with the minimum disruption, observing silence.
Be prepared that peak classes will be busy with mats closer together. If you enjoy having more space, please aim for the less busy times. This is unavoidable at most studios, so please show some tolerance for your fellow students, even if things get ‘up close and personal’.
Mobile phones should always be kept OUT of the studios and smart watches must be muted. This is your time to relax and take a break from calls and emails.
Remove your shoes in the back lobby area and leave all your possessions in a locker in the changing rooms. Our studios should be a shoe and bag free zone, free from clutter. No footwear is allowed in studios.
Do tell your teacher if you have injuries, you are pregnant or recovering after surgery. This is an important precaution for your safety and so that your teacher can give you appropriate modifications.
If you feel unwell with obvious cough or cold symptoms, we politely ask that you do not attend the class and stay at home. Please call or email the studio as soon as possible so the Team can assist you in re-scheduling your booked class.
Yoga is best practised on an empty stomach, so we recommend not to eat for 2-3 hours before the class. However, if you are pregnant you may want to have a little snack before the class.
Please don’t leave class in the middle of Savasana (Corpse pose/relaxation). This will ensure respect towards others and also give you some precious time to rest and absorb all the benefits of your practice.
When out of the studio, please keep chat to a minimum.
There may be other classes or treatments going on, but also some students really value time for reflection and stillness after their practice.
Do help us keep Breeze as clean and tidy as possible. All left property will be disposed of after 24 hours.
Hot Yoga
The hot studio is heated to between 36 to 42 degrees Celsius (depending on the type of class and number of students) so be prepared to sweat - which is good for you!
Stay hydrated! Have at least 2.5 litres of water in the 24 hours prior to your first hot class and remember to rehydrate after.
If you have any specific medical conditions please consult your doctor first before participating in classes in the hot studio.
Please do not wear strong perfume or deodorants as some people may be allergic.
A large towel is mandatory for Hot Yoga classes for hygiene and to prevent slipping. If you forget one, we sell towels at the reception desk. You may also consider investing in a grip towel mat cover, which is designed for hot yoga and easy to keep clean. If you tend to sweat a lot and outside the mat please help yourself to one of our thicker red mats hanging in the corridor outside the hot studio and ensure you bring an extra towel to dry up after yourself after class for the health and safety of fellow students.
It is mandatory to wear a pair of grip socks for safety and support for all Barre workouts. You can purchase grip socks at reception.
Mats and props needed for Barre are supplied by the studio.